Whether you are looking for residence permit alone or with family, Finland resident visa program demands a current valid passport as well as travel documents along with a bank statement for verification of financial stability.
On the other hand, if you are from Iceland, Norway, Denmark, or Sweden; you can travel in and out of Finland for business, work, job, study, and other purposes without any visa for 90 days. Furthermore, in the case of 90+ days, you must inform the purpose and register your name at the nearest police department in Finland.
Residence Permit of Finland comes with various perks such as the right to purchase property, start own business, social security, and healthcare benefits.
Finland Work Permit
To begin with, Finland’s work permit does not approve of the absence of a residence permit. Thus, clearly, two programs are linked. Therefore, before applying for a work permit visa program for Finland, you must register for a residence permit as a foreign national. Furthermore, candidates must also show proof of income/employment.
What are the exceptions of the Residence permit program for Finland?
Husband or Wife of Finnish citizen (citizen of Finland) Registered partner of a Finnish citizen Unmarried and underaged child, whose parents, guardians, or life partner live in Finland. A person in a live-in relationship with a Finnish Citizen for at least 2 years irrespective of marital status, and sex life.
Expert consultation and assessment of the chances of obtaining a visa
Recommendations on the qualitative preparation of documents, filling in the questionnaire
The official invitation of the country, certified by the Polish voivode
Insurance policy
Instruction, verification and formation of the full package of documents